
May 22, 2008

Madness I tell you...

It's just been a crazy busy time for us lately. We have been running here and there the last few weeks. It's always something or some place we need to be. As crazy as it can be....I love it! I love know that the boys are involved with activites but not too many where it is overwhelming.
Saturday I went out with some girlfriends for an early birthday for me. We had such fun! I was a bit spunky with my new haircut. For the night we put away our mom hats and lived it up like how it used to be before we had kids. There is talk of a trip to Las Vegas in 2 years. It was fun having a few drinks, laughing and just down right having fun. Afterwards we headed to the movies to see What Happens in Vegas where we tried to behave without creating too much of a ruckus! Monday Riley had his preschool graduation. He was soooo excited and very proud of himself. I thought the kids did a great job!!! Loved the cap and gowns...and in my favorite color too :) Jarod has been accepted into the PEAK program at school (advance placement classes). He is really excited about doing this next year. He is going to LOVE the challenges that it will give him. As a parent it just thrills me to no end to have a child that just loves learning! Because of grants the kids are able to take a trip out of state to either Chicago or St Louis.....and it is all paid for by the grant!! (well except meals and spending money). Jarod thinks this is the best!!! I am definitely going to see about being a chaperone for that trip :)
One of my dearest friends from way back to jr high time..pointed out that I don't have many pics of me that I share on my blog...well seeing as I am the one always behind the camera that is the main reason why. I do get a some pictures people take of me. While they are not always my best picture I am happy to have some of the boys and I to have.
So these pics of me are for you dearest most cherished friend. I couldn't have made it thru the teen years and then some without your friendship! You have to tell you still have shoulder pads?? ;) wonder if you remember that story!!! lol

As much as I love having this picture of us I can't help but think I look like Rosie O'Donnell how bad is that! Definitely not my better one ;)

And yet i can take a decent self portrait of myself ...sans the makeup :)

Here he is with a few of his favorite friends...that just happen to be girls ;) Kaya and Dani friends!

My proud lil' graduate....and his teacher Amy

These are from Mothers day.....I just love this picture even though it's not one of my best I just love that it shouts the happiness and joy we have in our family.

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