
April 26, 2008


Spring Soccer is here and I am happy to report that this time Riley is about playing!! He score 4 times during his two games. With this being 3 vs 3 it is a bit of a change for both of the boys. No goalies and no kicking the ball inside the box. I could see how that might be a bit of a challenge especially for Jarod who has always played the traditional soccer. Happy to report both boys did great! Riley was too cute the way he would run and then but his brakes on just at the line...and the teeter trying to stay on the right side. Both boys had great games!! Jarod skills have really improved in just the 2 weeks of practice he has had. Working with the trainers really has paid off. He is learning some great skills. I on the other hand need to work on my manual photography skills. I was bummed to see that I had my aperture settting a too hight and so the pics are a bit over exposed. Yet another sign that is beginning to convince me I need PSE.

Riley takes a corner kick and d
oes a great job!

Jarod really has a good strong foot! He can launch that ball!

Here's Riley making a goal!! It bounced off the posts and then landed inside.....

Jarod's team is 1-1 with a goal for him in the first game along with an awesome "header"
...that I regretfully missed because I had to be over at Riley's game. He really is turning out to be a solid player! He usually plays forward and his coaches know he is a go to player. He not only has great ability but a great attitude about playing. He talks with his teammates and they get the job done!
Riley's team is 2-0.I am thrilled beyond words that he really has become excited about soccer this time. He really went out there and played...hard too no less!
And thus this ends another day on the soccer fields.....I just LOVE being a soccer mom ;)

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