
October 14, 2007

Fall is finally least I think :)

Yesterday we ended the soccer season for the boys and with all the craziness it brought to our life we are really going to miss it. Jarod was very lucky and had an awesome coach! He learned some good solid foundation skills that have helped him improve as a player. His team had a totally awesome year!!! They went 8-2 and for the last game they beat a team that had been undefeated up until yesterday! It was a great game...a real nail biter! They ended up winning 2-1 and the winning goal was a complete fluke. The others team goalie went to kick the ball and in the most bizarre fashion it hit is foot wrong and somewhat bounced backwards. The goalie attempted to recover but it ended up going into the goal! While it was funny they way it happen and you can't help but feel bad for the goalie it still counted. Our team could relate because we had a point scored off us the same way.
Riley....well he wasn't so into soccer as I thought he would be. It was though a good introduction for him to learn about working together as a team and learning that you can't always win. He would get discouraged and frustrated then would want to sit on the sidelines not playing. Basically he was just waiting it out for snack. I think he was more into the snacks then the actual playing of the game. This was up until yesterday! He finally was excited about playing and wanted to go and play without us having to pratically drag him onto the field. The best part of all.......he made a GOAL!!!! From what Grandma told me he took it from one side of the field to the other and made a a goal! I was sooo bummed because I only caught the very end of it....the celebration he did with his teammates. I was up working the concession stand for Jarods team. At least it was right by the fields the younger kids played on so I was able to catch some of it :)
When I was downloading the pictures from yesterday. One I was really bummed not to get a pic of Jarod and his coach handing him is trophy. I wasn't prepared thinking this was going to be done at the party after the game so I had left the camera at my chair on the field. We have memories and I need to get a copy of the coach with the picture I made him as a thank you for Jarod scrapbook. I noticed though that we are finally starting to get some changing of colors of the leaves on the trees. I didn't think fall was ever going to come. We have been having days of 90 degree which is crazy for the first part of Oct. I am so glad the weather has finally cooled.
Today it's off to the pumpkin patch to find the perfect pumpkin for us and hopefully Jarod will finally get an idea of what he is going to be. Riley was easy...the kid is all about super heroes so Spiderman is on the agenda for this year :)

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